We go where they are.

Our Commitment

Awareness · Outreach· Reintegration

We fight against Trafficking

Human trafficking is the recruitment, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a person through the means of fraud, coercion, gifts, abuse of power for the purpose of exploitation.  Exploitation can be hindered if we pursue knowledge on what it is and how to fight it. We fight against trafficking by raising awareness and equipping the vulnerable to prevent being victimized.

for the exploited

For the voiceless

Pursued International Foundation aims to provide dignity and hope for women who have been sexually exploited and who have been trafficked for sex.

Our desire is to let our sisters know they are loved, valued, and cared for. 

All information is kept confidential, Each women’s story is honoured and we work hard to match needs to resources.

I was ready to go back on the steet and then you called 


Our Team

Our caring, committed, pioneering team works assiduoulsy to bring change in the lives of the women we serve. 

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Every woman deserves the right to be free; the right to be heard; the right to valued.

Stacy-Ann Smith
